Wastewater Treatment Plant
WWTP Chief Operator
Frank Erno
Phone #: 518-568-2545
Email: wwtp@sjvny.org
Monday - Friday
6:30am - 2:30pm
The Wastewater Treatment Plant is designed to treat an average flow of 1 million gallons a day of domestic and industrial wastes. Several pumping stations throughout the village convey the wastewater to the treatment facility. The treatment processes involved consist of preliminary treatment, primary clarification, secondary treatment (aeration), secondary clarification, disinfection, sludge treatment, and aerobic digestion. Once at the facility, the flow is diverted to an aerated grit chamber where the velocity is reduced to allow sand, stones, and other small inorganic materials to settle. The wastewater then flows from the grit chamber to the primary clarifiers by gravity. Primary treatment is the removal of course solids by settling and floatable solids by skimming. Secondary treatment is the decomposition of the other remaining organics by biological activity in an aeration basin, which provides a controlled environment where the bacteria are exposed to the organic solids. After aeration, the wastewater flows to the secondary clarifiers where the solids formed in aeration settle and are either recycled back to the aerator or wasted off into a digester for removal. Clear water flows from the secondary clarifier to the chlorine contact tanks for disinfection before being discharged into the Mohawk River.
Important Information About Mercury
The Village of St. Johnsville Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit requires the WWTP to implement a mercury minimization plan to reduce, to the extent possible, the mercury concentration in the WWTP outfall to the Mohawk River.
Mercury is a bioaccumulative pollutant, which means it can concentrate and build up in the food chain over time. Fish are especially prone to mercury accumulation, putting humans who consume them at risk. As of March 2015, there is a statewide advisory to limit fish consumption due to mercury contamination, as well as more restrictive advice for many specific waterbodies.
Residential users of the Village sewer system can help reduce the mercury concentration in the WWTP effluent by avoiding disposal of mercury or mercury containing materials down the drain and into the sanitary sewer collection system. Lists of consumer products containing mercury are available at the USEPA website https://www.epa.gov/mercury/mercury-consumer-products.
Mercury is used, usually in very small amounts, as a preservative or antibacterial agent in a number of over-the-counter and prescription pharmaceutical products. These include: antibiotics; blood pressure cuffs; contact lens solution; dental amalgam; diuretics; ear and eye drops; eye ointment; hemorrhoid relief ointment; Mercurochrome; nasal spray; and, older thermometers.
Cleanup of mercury spills should not be discarded down the drain. New York State Department of Health guidelines for cleanup of mercury spills is provided in the links below.
Your cooperation in assisting the Village in reducing the concentration of mercury discharged to the Mohawk River by the WWTP is appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact the Chief WWTP Operator, Frank Erno, using the information above.